Our response to SOAS management’s eviction threat

Dear SOAS management,

We write to express our disappointment that you have begun legal proceedings against us. We are aware that such proceedings can result in the use of violence against students; this is a situation we are very keen to avoid.

In addition to the SOAS students involved in the occupation from its beginning, many SOAS undergraduates, post-graduates and academics have flowed through our doors in the last three weeks. Most have been extremely supportive of (and many have been involved in) the activities here. The accessibility of this previously disused building, on lease from the University of London, has also been welcomed by students, lecturers and trade unionists from universities across the capital.

While you have claimed that you will suffer financial damages from our continued use of the building, this should be weighed against the political damages you may suffer in consequence of an eviction. This is a concern that has been raised in our discussions with affected SOAS post-graduate students, with whom our meetings and discussions have continued in a warm, friendly spirit.

We wish to continue our activities in the building for a time, not forgoing the peaceful, non-violent manner that – as you note in your application for an injunction – has characterised the Social Centre so far. To this end, we would like to negotiate a mutually agreeable time for our departure from the building. Our suggested date is January 10th 2012, at the beginning of the new SOAS term. This time would provide us with a few weeks in which to continue the necessary political work in which we are engaged with residents and employees in and around Bloomsbury.

We would appreciate a response before the court date on Thursday morning, as we believe that this kind of negotiation can save time and expenses for both of us.

Yours faithfully,



If you would like to sign a statement in support of the Social Centre, please email bloomsburysocialcentre@gmail.com

11 thoughts on “Our response to SOAS management’s eviction threat

  1. benjamin buck says:



  2. golfartie says:

    solidarity comrades

  3. T says:

    Good stuff, well said. Massive solidarity!!

  4. julia says:

    Good luck. Solidarity.

  5. Alex P says:

    A wise and eloquent letter. You have my support.

  6. Student says:

    Scum. Boohoo, there might be violence. Half of you sit around talking bollocks about revolution, do you not expect the state to defend itself? Of course, this is forgetting that you’re all just playing ‘leftier than thou’, before continuing onto jobs your parents get you. In the meantime, the vast majority of the world will continue to ignore your utterly discredited ideas, while you continue to use socialism as an emotional crutch. Maybe if you actually attended your lectures, instead of playing revolutionary, you’d actually get something out of university?

  7. artsauthors says:

    Solidarity from AAC


  9. Fr_Jude says:

    Hope you guys have got enough tea and cake to last you! Lots of respect and solidarity. From UEL

  10. Alpha says:

    In Solidarity Bradford Student Union

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